Financial Protection flipbook 2025

Bodily injury liability coverage helps pay for medical bills, lost wages or income, and pain and suffering for those who are injured in an accident for which you (or someone else listed on your policy) are found legally responsible. It also covers you when you are driving someone else’s car (with that person’s permission) and may help cover your own legal fees, when necessary. Medical payments or personal injury protection coverage helps pay for the treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers of the policyholder’s automobile, regardless of fault. Personal injury protection might also cover medical payments, lost wages, and funeral costs. Property damage liability helps pay for damage you cause to another person’s vehicle or property. This could include not only vehicle repair/ replacement costs but also damage to structures (such as buildings) and stationary objects (such as fences). Remember that a deductible usually applies for these six types of coverage, and compensation is subject to policy limits. Auto Insurance: What’s in Your Policy? Six major types of coverage may be included in a standard auto policy. The first two — bodily injury liability and property damage liability — are required in most states. 1 2 3